Kevin Forbes

Hi, I'm Kevin

I am currently a senior Computer Science major at DePaul University. Technology has always been a big part of my life and I have always enjoyed the challenges and adventures that come with it.

Programming Languages

Python, Java, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, C, C++, Scala, Scheme, TypeScript

Technical Skills

GitHub, Git, Windows, Microsoft Office, Oracle SQL, React, AWS, PostgreSQL, Angular

Soft Skills

Problem Solving, Time Management, Situation Adaptability

Interests & Activities

I enjoy playing games such as chess and video games like League of Legends. I also like staying active and playing a variety of sports.

Kevin Forbes


Personal Website

  • A website that displays information on myself, my computer science projects, and experience.

  • Written using HTML, CSS, and Javascript

  • Personal Project

Calmmoth - Chronotype Scheduling App

  • React Web Application that is hosted on AWS Amplify, allows users to sign in with Auth0 using their Google account, stores certain data in a Postgres database, and displays their Google calendar information (events/reminders) in a well-organized UI.

  • Written using HTML, CSS, JavaScript. Utilizes Google APIs

  • Group Project for School


Turtle Wax, Inc. - IT Technical Support

  • Assisted with the deployment and management of company hardware

  • Resolved users' hardware and software issues

  • June 2022 - Sept 2022, June 2023 - Sept 2023
  • Software Projects

  • Main Goals: Create, develop, and deploy a software project in a group setting

  • Language Focus on JavaScript

  • January 2023 - March 2023
  • Data Structures I

  • Main Goals: Introduce basic Java programming, review recursion, and focus on linear data structures.

  • Language Focus on Java

  • March 2021 - June 2021
  • Contact